Notes of Interest
I am uncertain about the grades 1 to 3. These are best guesses. I think the Alcorn-McFarland is right for grades 4 & 5. The classes graduating in 1950-56 have already helped and may be able to help more. There is a big question about Home Economics this year. Classes of 1945 to 1949 may be able to help.
Class Photos
School Board
Director: George McKinnis
Clerk: R. V. Shockley
Member: Roy Bolding
Chief Administrative Officers
Superintendent: Clarence L. DeWees – Math – Room (?)
Teachers (Other Than Chief Administrators)
- 1st Grade: Mrs. DeWees in Room 1
- 2nd & 3rd Grades: Mrs. Gene (Sue) Medley in Room 2
- 4th & 5th Grades: Mr. Mose Sims in Room 3
- 6th & 7th Grades: Mr. Walters in Room 4
- 8th through 12th Grades: Mr. Alcorn (Gene Medley replaced in Oct.) History. Coach & Geography & History & (?) Room 7 (?). Mrs. Viola Cunningham – English Room 6. (?) Home Economics & 8th grades subjects Room 8.
Bus Drivers
Lunch Room Staff