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Notes of Interest

I believe Mrs. McCollum was the replacement for Mrs.  Ethridge who left when Mr. Ethridge was drafted into military service.  It is remembered by students that Mrs. McCollum’s  service may have been interrupted some during the year and that Velma McFarland and Ruby Heien substituted for considerable periods. But there may have been considerable problems staffing the grades this war year and the teachers had to fill in here and there.  This may explain why Mrs. McFarland is remembered as teaching both in room 2 and room 3. More input on the grades from classes of 51-55 is needed.

High School Graduates

Graduating Class of 1943-1944

Class of 1944: R. E. Fowler, Leon Fred Messick, Maryln McClure, Kenneth McDowell, Wayne Reese, Byrd C. Curtis, Bufford Lowell, Lavern Denham, Merl Tufford, J. D. Blish, Alma McKinnis.

Class Photos


School Board

Director: George McKinnis

Clerk: R. V. Shockley

Member: Roy Bolding

Chief Administrative Officers

Superintendent: Clarence L. DeWees – Math (Room (?))

Teachers (Other Than Chief Administrators)

  • 1st Grade: Mrs. DeWees in Room 1
  • 2nd & 3rd Grades: Mrs. Ruby (Fowler) McCollum in Room 2
  • 4th & 5th Grades: Velma McFarland in Room 3
  • 6th & 7th Grades: Mr. Walters in Room 4
  • 8th through 12th Grades: Willard Smith – Coach & General Science, History & (?) Room 7 (?), Mrs. Viola Cunningham – English Room 6, Mrs. Willard (Minnie Mae) Smith – Home Economics & 8th grades subjects Room 8.

Bus Drivers


Lunch Room Staff


