Notes of Interest
The grade schoolteachers are well established by a complete set of group photographs. Maggie (Barns) Walker’s wonderful scrapbook had one of the 7&8. Elaine (McClure) Speer came up with a copy of 1&2. Edgar and Mary (Shockley) Ankney found one of the 5&6 and Sylvia (Brewer) Terry has just come up with one of the 3&4.
I have a memory of room 8 being used for high school that year. The four upper classes had all the east wing available that year and should have had a fourth teacher. Yet I can get no evidence that home economics was added that year. The April 1941 Student Review says all the 1940-1941teachers rehired (there were eight.). In late May, Mr. Ayres resigned to join the Army Air Corps and was replaced for the Fall term by Vivian Hefner. However, Mrs. Winters did not teach in the grades this year, and only four teachers were used for grades 1-8 because for the first time since 1936-1937 one of the grades was not split. If Mrs. Winters left, there is clear evidence that it was a resignation after late May when the last Student Paper was published.
I have not excluded the possibility that Mrs. Winters may have done Home Economics or somehow taught in high school. If home economics was offered, it would have been the first time and there is no hint of the possibility in the 1940-1941 student newspaper. I have no papers for the next year, but in the two issues I have for 1942-1943 there is much coverage of Home Economics. There is no indication that 1942-1943 was the first year for Home Economics, and there is a reference to three levels of students in Home Economics, 8’th grade, first year, and second year. This makes me think that the year before some students had taken Home Economics and were now in their second year. The classes of 1942-1945 might be able to help on this one. The other possibility is that it was not possible to fill the vacancy and consequently cash was accumulated that was expended the following summer in the improvements mentioned in the following year for which surplus cash was used.
Class Photo: 1st and 2nd Grades / Teacher: Mrs. Pearl Kennemer
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
Idents from Elaine (McClure) Speer, Noel Brewer, Sylvia (Brewer) Terry, Marlene (McClure) Henins
First Row: (1) Noel Brewer, (2) Royce Bolding, (3) Ronald Cunningham, (4) Jerry Speights, (5) Howard Bruton, (6). Dwight McClure, (7) Ralph Dickson, (8) Billy Ritter, (9) Joe Neil Rogers, (10) Miss Pearl Kennemer (Teacher).
2nd Row: (1) Buddy Clark, (2) Danny McClure, (3) Marion Webb, (4) Nolan Ayers, (5) Arnold Tufford, (6) Duane Smith, (7) Gene Barger, (8) J. W. Denham, (9) Wilbur Owens.
3rd Row: (1) Joy Morgan, (2) Shirley Reese, (3) Marlene McClure, (4) Janel Culvahouse, (5) Elizabeth Heien, (6) Joy Sparks, (7) Joy Gayle Wallis, (8) Patsy Ann Petcoff, (9) Zaye Barger, (10) Alta Sue McFarland, (11) Erlene Kernes, (12), Shirley Kernes.
4th Row: (1) Dorothy Faye Dawson, (2) Elaine McClure, (3) Glenda Mae Terry, (4) Louise I. McFarland (or Lake?), (5) Anna Louise Norman, (6) Gay Fowler, (7) Kay Fowler, (8) Charlene Boatman, (9) Louise Lake? (from N. Brewer) or Winnie Risenhoover (from Marlene McClure), (10) Joy Marie Storie, (11) Wilma McFarland or Alene Owens?, (12) Billie Jo Cantrell, (13) Carlene Pillow.
Class Photo: 3rd and 4th Grades / Teacher: Mrs. Blanche Ethridge
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
Picture and Idents from Sylvia (Brewer) Terry.
First Row: (1) Glen Storie, (2) Freddie Dickson, (3) Truman McClure, (4) Unknown, (5) Burl Jackson, (6) Jackie Lloyd Trotter, (7) Lloyd Newton, (8) Dwayne Lowell.
2nd Row: (1) Tommy Holder, (2) Jackie Fowler, (3) Keith Sockwell, (4) Kenneth Stockton, (5) Gary Fowler, (6) C. R. Stephens, (7) Unknown.
3rd Row: (1) Ruth(ie) Owens, (2) Lillian Storie, (3) Patsy Petkoff, (4) Anna Bell Sparks, (5) Unknown, (6) Eva Jean Jackson, (7) Sylvia Brewer, (8) Ruth Ann Dickson.
4th Row: (1) Patsy Schrader, (2) Avis Clark, (3) Charlene Messick, (4) Clara Denham, (5) Unknown, (6) Leta Faye Jackson, (7) Alene Owens.
Class Photo: 5th and 6th Grades / Teacher: Mrs. Opal Woods
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
First Row: (1) Udel Battles, (2), Coy Rogers, (3) Edgar Ankney, (4) Billie Snow, (5) Durwood Dawson, (6) Fred Conn, (7) Billy Frank Thompson.
2nd Row: (1) Jackie Shelton, (2) Ted Blish, (3) ..Thrash (?), (4) Donald Reid Simmons, (5) C. H. McClure, (6) Don Steel, (7) Prentiss Owens.
3rd Row: (1) Unknown, (2) Mildred Jo Estoll, (3) Julie Mae Dawson, (4) Melba Ruth Fowler, (5) Fern Speights, (6) Birdel Newton, (7) Cleal Joy Reese, (8) Melba Webb, (9) Mrs. Opal Woods, Teacher.
4th Row: (1) Maxine Jackson, (2) Maxine Holder, (3) Mary Shockly, (4) LaNelle DeWees, (5) Charlena Dempsey, (6) Wanda June Webb.
Class Photo: 7th and 8th Grades / Teacher: Mr. Ethridge
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
* indicates 8th grader
First Row: (1) Jimmie Sparks, (2) Pat Shockley, (3) Neilan Brewer, (4) Tommy Ray Reese, (5) Eulus(sp?) Newton, (6) DeVern Brown *, (7) Glenn Conn, (Fred’s Brother)*, (8) Mansel Ritter*, (9) Rex McClure, (10) Bill Blish.
2nd Row: (1) David Denham, (2) Robert Ritter, (3) Eldon Dickson, (4) J. N. Sears, (5) Jackie Culvahouse, (6) Billy Brown, (7) Dorsey Ray Fowler, (8) LaVern (Vernie) Jackson*, (9) Doyle Morgan, (10) Elmer Bruton (from Noel Brewer).
3rd Row: (1) Virginia Johnson*, (2) Maggie Lee Barnes, (3) Violet Brown *, (4) Frances Jo McKinnis, (5) Margetta Newton *, (6) Ellouise Brewer *, (7) Betty Jo Wallis *, (8) Christina Newton.
4th Row: (1) Mr. (Bill) Ethridge (teacher). (2) Anna Ruth Reese, (3) Doris Webb (from near our Shiloh Mountain, no relation to Mr. Webb who drove a school bus about that time.), (4) Ellouise Norman, (5) Billie Joe Wallis, (6) Lena Godfrey, (7) Gaynelle Ellis *.
School Board
Director: George McKinnis
Clerk: R. V. Shockley
Member: Ben Hutchinson
Chief Administrative Officers
Superintendent: C. L. DeWess
Teachers (Other Than Chief Administrators)
- 1st & 2nd Grades: Ms. Pearl Kennemer, in Room 1
- 3rd & 4th Grades: Mrs. Ethridgen, in Room 2
- 5th & 6th Grades: Mrs. Woods, in Room 3
- 7th & 8th Grades: Mr. Ethridgen, in Room 4
- 9th through 12th Grades: Virgil E. Woods – Boys Coach &?, Room 7?, Vivian Hefner – English?, Girls Coach?, Room 6.?.
Was there Home Economics. in Room 8 this year? There seems to be extra space in high school and the grade school data is firm enough to be sure the room and probably another teacher position were available for the upper four classes.
Mrs. DeWees did some substitute teaching in the lower grades this year, as she had done since her retirement from full time teaching in January of 1939.
Bus Drivers
# 1 Albert Baden
Lunch Room Staff
Eulis Clark