Notes of Interest
This was Mr. Ethridge’s first year at Con. 8. He replaced Mr. Alexander.
The new buses were available for the start of school. These were new trucks and had all metal bodies. They replaced the old trucks which were outfitted with wooden bodies that were very drafty and cold on winter days. I think I remember the body painted blue at least on #2 or #3 bus which I think Alton Duke drove in 1935-1936. These new metal bodies were to serve for eleven years although the chassis’ and motors would be replaced and the bodies refurbished in 1940.
The new trees, Chinese elm, were planted either in late spring or fall of 1936. Sixteen of these trees died and were replaced in 1939.
Also in the spring and fall of 1936 a ceiling was put in the Gym which had previously been open. This eliminated the hazards from birds that roosted in the open loft before and would have made the 32 volt lights more effective in lighting the gym.
Class Photo: 2nd and 3rd Grades / Teacher: Mrs. Ethridge
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
Mrs. Ethridge’s Second and Third Grade
Picture from Maggie’s “Scrap” Books. Ident help from Christine (Newton) Davis, Rex McClure, Gaynelle (Ellis) Gray, and others.
Left Group: (1) Christine Newton, (2) Unknown, (3) Unknown, (4) Unknown, (5) Billie Jo Wallis, (6) Faye Risenhoover, (7) Eldon Dickson, (8) Violet Brown, (9) DeVern (or DaVern) Brown, (10) Ellouise Norman, (11) Unknown, (12)Margetta Newton, (13) Unknown, (14) Anna Ruth Reese.
Right Group: (1) Unknown, (2) Eulys Newton, (3) Jackie Culvahouse, (4) Ellouise Brewer, (5) Bobbie Jean Curtis (?), (6) Betty Jo Wallis, (7) Jacquelyn Risenhoover, (8) Maggie Lee Barnes, (9) Mary Lou Wittenburg (?), (10) Unknown, (11) Mrs. Blanche Ethridge, (12) Prentiss Owens, (13) Billy Wiley, (14) Unknown.
3rd Row (on chairs): (1) Unknown, (2) Neilan Brewer, (3) Pat Shockley, (4) Bobby Gene Brown, (5) Bobbie Ray Smith (?), (6) Tommy Ray Reese (?), (7) Billy Brown, (8) Billy Snow, (9) Unknown, (10) Harold Haynie, (11) Arlie Holder (?).
4th Row: (1) David Denham, (2) Richard Wale, (3) LaVern Jackson (?), (4) Mozell Jackson, (5) Gaynelle Ellis, (6) Rex McClure, (7) Vina (sp?) Marie Snow, (8) Unknown, (9) Dorsey Fowler (?), (10) Coy (?) Rogers (?).
Class Photo: 6th and 7th grades / Teacher: Mr. Ethridge
Names read left to right and identified as Name, Uncertain (?) or Unknown.
Mr. Ethridge’s Sixth and Seventh Grades
Picture and many Idents from Carl Heien Family. More Idents from Dorothy (Estoll) Shelton, and Bernice (Dempsey) Duncan
First Row: (1) Joe Miller, (2) Travis Holt, (3) Louis I. “Bill” Ethridge (Teacher).
2nd Row: (4) Caryle Hutchinson, (5) Travis Snow, (6) Lester Newton, (7) Unknown, (8) Unknown, (9) Unknown, (10) Joan Mesemer, (11) Ruby Snow, (12) Vivian Allen, (13) Dorothy Estoll,
3nd Row: (15) Bernice Dempsey, (16) Unknown, (17) Bill Jones, (18) Hubert Hazelwood, (19) Sherman Fowler, (20) Jimmie Shelton, (21) Elizabeth Haney, (22) Erma Estoll.
4th Row (Seated): (23) Elmer Ankney, (24) Billy Brown (cousin of Grema), (25) Jimmy Hutchinson, (26) Leo Jackson, (27) Ladonna Wallis, (28) Grema Brown, (29) Carol Shockley, (30) Betty June Heien
School Board
President: George Brown
Clerk: R. V. Shockley
Member: Ben Hutchinson
Chief Administrative Officers
Superintendent: Clarence L. DeWees – Math (Room 5?)
Teachers (Other Than Chief Administrators)
- 1st Grade: Mrs. DeWees Room 1
- 2nd & 3rd Grades: Mrs. Ethridge Room 2
- 4th & 5th Grades: Mrs. Woods in Room 3
- 6th & 7th Grades: Mr. Ethridge in Room 4
- 8th through 12th Grades: Virgil E. Woods (Girls Coach (?)), Unknown Room 7 (?), Henry Ayres (Principal Boys Coach & English) Room (6) (?). 8th grade with was again with high school.
Bus Drivers
#1 H. A. “Slim” Gilmore
Lunch Room Staff
Mr. Burdick (?) He is remembered by some as “whittling a lot”. I can remember wooden puzzles that he made. Wooden parts with notches which if solved assembled into a cube.