Con. 8 Classes in 1923-24

Pictures or any other information  before 1930 are scarce.  In early editions of this web page, I had a single picture of a Con. 8 class in the 1920's  courtesy of the family of Carl and Ruby Heien.   Ruby had the   picture because she   was the teacher of the class.  On the basis of indirect evidence, I had decided it was from the 1922-1923 school year.   From the ages of the children (none of whom are identified) and information about the structure of the school in the era, I had judged  the class to be the third, fourth, and fifth of that year.  Jim and Nina Bauman have supplied  three more pictures from that decade.  One of these is labled "7&8th grades,1924"  and I assume to be from the end of the 1923 -1924 school year.   It is possible to see that the Heien picture and that Bock picture were both taken on  the same day as well as the same place.  Both show the windows on the north side of the building and the same windows are opened or closed  to exactly the same degree.   So the  picture with Ruby Heien is no doubt from the 1923-24 school year, and I think it may be just grades 5 and 6.
Fourth ?, Fifth, and Sixth Grades in  1923-24
--Ruby (Burton) Heien,Teacher, standing 7th from the left.
middle grades spring 1924

Seventh and Eighth Grade  1923-24---Mrs. Bozman, Teacher
 The annotations date this picture as well as the one with Ruby Heien   above and supply the name of another teacher for the 1923-24 school year, Mrs. Bozman standing in the center of the back row..  Also those annotations give tenative identifications of Charlie Bock's daughters Lillian and Daisy.  
7&8 1923-24